QB med , Işıklar cad. Küçükbakkalköy m.No:37 Kat:2 Ataşehir/İstanbul
buharlaştırma yöntemi ile geniz eti ameliyatı

Genizeti by Evaporation

Adenoid problem arises as a result of ear, nose and throat diseases, which are frequently experienced in childhood, as a result of large adenoids. Adenoids that are larger than normal affect respiration but can also cause ear and nose infections. Nose flesh reduction has been administered with many methods until today. Today, this problem can be comfortably treated using the evaporation method (Plasma Method). 


How Is Evaporation Administered?

The evaporation method is basically carried out with a special device called coblator. After isotonic saline is applied to the application area, the excess mass in the adenoid is evaporated by the effect of plasma with radiofrequency energy and it is removed from the area by vacuum with the help of a specially designed device. 

Although evaporation is a new method, it can be performed without damaging the surrounding tissues (especially the Eustachian tube). In addition, this application has many advantages over other methods.

Why is the Evaporation Method Preferred? 

Adenoid growth is a problem that must be treated within the context of the child's general health status and healthy development. So much so that research shows that children with removed adenoids get sick much less often. This prevents the child's quality of life from decreasing. 

Until recent years, adenoid surgery was performed with oral surgical procedures. However, these applications carried risks of bleeding and infection, and the healing process was also very difficult. Today, adenoid surgeries performed with the vaporization method are a method frequently preferred by both parents and doctors in terms of safety and comfort.

What are the Advantages?

  •  There are no complications such as abnormal bleeding in the vaporization method, which is defined as bloodless surgery among the people. 
  •  Compared to conventional surgery, the recovery period takes a very short time. 
  •  The patient can be discharged on the same day. 
  •  The risk of infection is minimal.  
  •  Operation time is very short. (Approximately 5-6 minutes) 
  •  Pain sensation is minimal. 
  •  The risk of adenoid regrowth is very low.

Why Does Adenoid Grow?

Adenoids are lymphatic tissues called adenoid, located behind the nasal area. These tissues take on a similar task to the tonsils and protect the body against bacteria and viruses in the air. However, in some children, enlargement of the adenoid tissue is observed due to frequent exposure to infection and genetic reasons. This condition is defined as adenoid enlargement and is a problem that can have serious consequences if left untreated. 

What Conditions Are Observed in Children with Large Adenoids?

Breathing Difficulty 

Adenoids that are larger than normal cause some difficulties in the respiratory process by closing the airway. The problem of adenoid enlargement, which prevents the air taken from the nose from reaching the respiratory tract, can lead to many complications in the long term if not treated. These are; 

  •  Inability of the body to acquire sufficient oxygen
  • Insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart 
  •  Tiredness
  •  Restlessness and depression


Loss of appetite

In addition to loss of appetite in children with large adenoids, overweight problems may also occur. Emerging nutritional disorders significantly reduce the quality of life in the long run. 

Developmental Retardation

Growth hormone secreted during sleep cannot be secreted sufficiently due to poor quality sleep. Thus, children with large adenoids may experience retardation in terms of physical development. 

Jaw and Dental Problems

As a result of continuous mouth breathing, some jaw and tooth problems may occur. These problems are usually conditions such as stenosis in the upper jaw and flattening in the midface. This problem is defined as facies adenoides in the medical literature. 

Middle Ear Problems

The eustachian tube, which is very close to the adenoid, is also affected by the infection and can cause middle ear problems.