Nose Flesh Treatment
In order to have information about the nasal flesh treatment performed due to the problems that occur as a result of the nasal flesh growth, we must first have information about the nasal flesh.
What Is The Nasal Flesh?
Nasal flesh, in other words, adenoids as more widely known in the public, is a cluster of lymph tissue that is located between the nose and throat and looks like a bunch of grapes. The adenoids have a similar function to the tonsils, but they are not visible tissues like the tonsils.
Nasal flesh has the function of catching virus or bacterial microbes that can enter our body through the nose and thus protecting the body against diseases. It is located between the nose and throat in order to prevent diseases that may occur in our body through respiration. Adenoids, tonsils and tongue base are part of the protective lymph circle, which is found together with the tonsil tissue.
Due to its indented structure, adenoid can cause microbes to be accommodated in its tissue after holding it. In this context, even if the adenoid does not grow disturbingly and does not create an occlusive effect, it can become a focus of infection due to the microbes it contains. In this case it can cause inflammation in the adenoids, ear nose and sinuses that recurs and cannot be fully healed. Obstructive growth of the adenoid or becoming a focus of infection can lead to recurrent cases of sinusitis, middle ear infections, which are factors that can cause hearing loss, eardrum collapse and fluid collection in the middle ear.
Nasal flesh can occur for no reason or it can occur as a result of allergic conditions. The encounter of the nasal flesh with the allergic factor may cause growth due to the increase in blood flow. In addition, nasal flesh may grow as a result of nasal inflammation or depending on age.
Adenoid is present in our body at birth and grows up to 8 years of age together with tonsils. For this reason, complaints about adenoid growth occur most frequently at the age of 1 or 2 years.
- What Is Nose Flesh?
- What Are Its Functions?
- Why Does It Grow?
- What Are Its Symptoms?
- How Is It Examined?
- Which Methods Are Used In Nose Flesh Treatment?
- Is Drug Treatment Possible?
- When should I consider surgery in the treatment of nasal flesh?
What Are Its Functions?
Some of the tasks mentioned above, known as nasal functions, are the function of the nose flesh. In this regard nose flesh, through the mucous secretion normally carried out in the nose cleans the elements such as dust, microbes and bacteria in the inhaled air and sends them to the lungs. Thus, as soon as the air comes into contact with the nasal flesh, the lung air sacs open automatically, taking in fresh air without effort. The work of the lungs is regulated by the opening and closing of one of the nostrils alternately every 2-3 hours.
Why Does It Grow?
There are six in total, three in each of the nasal flesh, right and left nasal cavities. Among these six nasal flesh, the most working nasal flesh is the organ located in the lowest part of the nose which is called the inferior concha. The inferior concha, which first meets the inhaled air, grows and shrinks depending on whether the air is hot, cold or polluted. In this respect, we can list the reasons for the growth of the nasal conchae as follows;
- Constant pollution and humidity in the air; it makes it necessary to ensure the adaptation of the inhaled air to the body system. Nose flesh may grow as a result of the persistency of this situation.
- Allergy; As a result of the presence of allergic elements (fungus, mold, dust, pollen, etc.) in people with allergies, the most swelling in the nose flesh occurs in the inferior conchae. As a result of the long-term effect of the sensitizing elements, the person's nasal flesh may grow.
- Smoking; The nasal flesh functions, which are performed to clean the inhaled air, pollute the air more and further decrease its quality. The nasal flesh grows over time by making constant effort to clean the persistently and directly polluted air.
- Chronic or persistent sinusitis; It causes long-term negativities in nasal functions and brings about the growth of the nose flesh. In the same way, chronic sinusitis can also be seen as a result of the negative effects of the growths in the nasal concha on the respiratory functions, and the duration of sinusitis can be prolonged.
- Nasal inflammations; As a result, respiration is adversely affected and growth of the nose flesh can occur.
- Curvature of the nasal bone; It adversely affects the quality of the respiratory functions performed and as a result of the negative effects that constantly occur in the nasal flesh, swelling and growth may occur later on.
Growth of the nasal conchae most commonly occurs in smokers and individuals with allergic sensitivities.
In people with a fracture or curvature of the nasal bone, one of the nostrils will be constantly clogged, and nasal flesh growths may occur. In a normal nose structure and functioning, the nostrils open and close alternately and regularly, feeding the lung in terms of breathing. While the lung on the side of the open nostril works by drawing in more air and opening, the other nostril goes to rest. However, if there is a curvature or fracture in the nasal bone, since one of the nostrils will be constantly clogged, swelling occurs in constantly working flesh. After a while, the swelling in the nasal flesh turns into growth and congestion occurs in both nostrils.
What Are Its Symptoms?
- With the growth of the nose flesh, breathing becomes increasingly difficult, and this can bring along many problems such as sleep apnea, lack of concentration due to not getting sufficient deep sleep, as well as health problems in the respiratory tract.
- Nose flesh growth starts around 2 years of age. Nose flesh growth, which can be observed in the early period, can also be a source of various health problems in adulthood when left untreated. In this respect, we can list the signs of nose flesh growth with the reasons mentioned above as follows;
- The most obvious symptom of growth of nose flesh is the formation of nasal congestion.
- Congestion in nose leads to mouth breathing. For this reason, drying occurs in the upper respiratory tract and mouth. These symptoms are most common during sleep.
- Due to the obstruction in the nose the body which cannot perform healthy and adequate breathing cannot rest and remains tired. It is very important to meticulously handle the conditions that cause symptoms of and actual nose flesh growth, in order to prevent health problems caused by nose flesh.
How Is It Examined?
Whether the nose flesh has reached an occlusive size can be observed through an endoscopic examination. By examining it with a thin endoscope inserted into the nose the size of the adenoid and the extent of it blocking the opening at the back of the nose can be determined. The size of the nose flesh can also be examined by X-ray examination.
Which Methods Are Used In Nose Flesh Treatment?
Today, nasal flesh treatment is performed with endoscopic surgical methods performed through the nose. After this method, the healing process is very short and comfortable. The complaints caused by the nasal flesh problem disappear after the surgery.
Is Drug Treatment Possible?
With the use of cortisone nasal sprays, a maximum reduction of 10% can be achieved in the adenoid. Although this shrinkage rate is small, it can reduce the congestion for some patients. However, the use of nasal sprays requires continuity, because the adenoid continues to grow if the use of the spray is stopped.
Cleaning the adenoids and the inside of the nose with the help of salt water can reduce nasal congestion in some patients. However, there is no definitive treatment for all the problems experienced as a result of the growth of adenoids through drugs.
When Should I Consider Surgery In The Treatment Of Nasal Flesh?
Situations in which surgical treatment will be considered in the treatment of nasal concha can be listed as follows;
- Difficulty breathing
- Sleeping with mouth open, accompanied by snoring and sleep apnea
- Bad breath
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