Nose Flesh Surgery with Laser

Concha are structures on the lateral walls of the nasal cavity known as the lower nasal cavity. The inner part of these structures consists of the outer part of the bone, called the mucous membrane, and the soft tissue between them. The conchas are used to heat, humidify and filter the air. In addition, together with the intranasal mucosa, concha provides immune function and produces various enzymes and protective proteins.

The air entering the nose reaches 25 degrees Celsius of temperature and 90% humidity until it reaches the area of the nasal passages. When performing this function, sometimes the subshell contracts. When blood circulation is disturbed, growth and contraction occur. 80% of healthy adults have a structure called "nose flesh". This fleshy structure grows on the lower shell on one side of the nose and at a smaller scale on the other. This is a cycle which repeats every 3-6 hours. This cycle is often overlooked because the overall air passing through the nose does not change.

What Shells Are Found in the Nose?

There are six shells in the right and left nasal cavities. The most common is the subshell, located at the base of the nose. It grows and shrinks due to hot, cold or polluted air. In case of allergic substances (dust, pollen, mold, fungus, etc.), the nose flesh swells. Air pollution and smoking also cause swelling of nose flesh. In addition, sinusitis, rhinitis, curvature of the nasal bone can also cause swelling of these pieces of flesh.

Nose flesh problems are most commonly observed in smokers and allergies. In addition, flesh swelling due to one of the constantly clogged nostrils caused by fractures in the nasal bone is among the most commonly observed causes. Therefore, after a while, both nostrils become clogged.

How To Tell If There Is Problematic Flesh In The Nose

The most obvious symptom is nasal congestion. Since sufficient air cannot be taken from the nose, the mouth is used for breathing. Therefore, the air in the environment dries the mouth and upper respiratory tract. This becomes more evident during sleep. Since nasal breathing is not sufficient, lungs cannot get sufficient air, so the body cannot acquire enough oxygen. As a result, tissues and organs cannot get enough oxygen either. The person wakes up tired in the morning. Respiratory and taste disturbances occur due to mouth breathing.

How Is Nose Flesh Surgery with Laser Performed?

The most commonly preferred method in nose flesh surgeries is to scrape the adenoid. Although a method that is not often preferred in our day, there is also the method of adenoid removal by cutting. As another method, it is possible to remove the adenoid tissue by administering thermal energy.

After adenoid surgery, the adenoid can regrow. However, regrowth may occur more frequently in surgeries at an early age, in allergic children or in cases where the adenoid is not completely removed.

Which Situations Require Surgery?

1. Clogging Conditions

  • Continuous nasal congestion and therefore breathing through the mouth
  • Sleep apnea, sleep problems caused by continuous mouth breathing during sleep, dental problems, problems in the upper palate occur as a result of obstructive growth of the adenoid, and in these cases, adenoid should be removed.
  • Heart Failure is a problem that occurs due to the inability to breathe in a healthy way and the inability to get enough oxygen to the body through mouth breathing. It makes nose meat surgery necessary.
  • Developmental disorders in the teeth and jaw areas are problems that occur in the upper palate. As a result of these problems, the upper jaw cannot develop sufficiently, the upper jaw gets located more posteriorly than the posterior jaw, and therefore orthodontic problems may occur.
  • Growth and developmental delays
  • Speech Disorder develops in connection with damage to the middle ear and orthodontic problems.

2. Infectious Conditions

  • Chronic or recurrent postnasal drip and sinusitis can cause some attacks that make it necessary to remove adenoids. Constant sinusitis attacks are conditions that cause cough and fever.
  • Chronic or recurrent middle ear infections are conditions that make it necessary, and often even mandatory, to remove nasal flesh. In case of recurring or chronic middle ear infections, it is healthier to remove the adenoids surgically, as may create consequences that may lead to hearing loss.

3. Other Situations

  • Tumor suspicion
  • Bad breath.

Which Drugs are Used After Surgery?

It takes lengthy procedures to treat swollen flesh with medication. Cortisone nasal sprays should be used. However, long-term use can cause side effects such as dry bleeding. Often, drug therapy does not provide special results, so it is more important to take preventive measures. Treatment depends on the definition of the condition causing the swelling of the flesh. Quitting smoking and improving living and working conditions to improve environmental factors can improve the situation.

From this point of view, prophylactic anti-allergy nasal sprays provide relief. In addition, cotton and non-allergic clothes should be preferred instead of woolen clothes. Smoking and dust should be avoided in the house. It is also important to apply protective measures to prevent persistent nasal stimulation and swelling, and keep pets away from allergic bodies.

What are the Operating Conditions?

Surgical intervention is preferred when medical treatment is not sufficient and nasal congestion remains persistent. The nose is one of the most important and necessary organs for the body. In cases where nose flesh grows abnormally and cannot be treated with medications, nose flesh surgery should be considered.

In the past, nose flesh used to be cut and completely removed for surgery. It is now known to cause side effects. For these reasons, this flesh started to be removed with a laser or radio frequency method. In cases where the nasal flesh is very large, two or three sessions may be required for this shrinkage. The risk of surgery varies depending on the surgical method. This risk is very low in surgeries performed under general anesthesia.

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