Istanbul Child ENT Specialist

The Pediatric ENT field focuses on children's sinusitis, head and neck tumors, otitis media, problems with the nose and tonsils, and respiratory problems such as the common cold. These diseases require different treatment methods. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a physician to address diseases such as flu or cold.

Thus, antibiotics and drugs are not used unconsciously, which can impact the development a child. This can also cause some problems in adulthood. Pediatric ENT specialists should be counseled for the treatment of these diseases.

How Are Children Treated?

Children mainly suffer from colds and flu. Any infection affects the ear, nose and throat and their treatment is applied together. However, problems such as nasal growth in the same area, fluid accumulation in the eardrum or damage to the eardrum, enlargement of the tonsils are also treated in the child's ENT area.

If the diseases observed in the ear, nose and throat are not treated, they become chronic and may adversely affect the physiological development of children. For this reason, it is recommended that families feed their children with foods that will boost immunity at the right temperature, in addition to providing a living space free from infections and viruses. At the same time, a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of recurrent ENT problems within 3 months is required.

Genetic Therapy

Adenoid is one of the most common diseases encountered in children. Symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, snoring, open mouth can be observed in children. Nose flesh is treated with surgery. There is no age limit for an operation that takes only 10 minutes. In emergency cases, nose flesh surgery can be performed on children smaller than the age of 2, and often older than 2 years.

What are ENT Diseases in Children?

Today, the most commonly encountered ENT diseases in children are;

  • Sinusitis
  • Middle ear infections
  • Common cold
  • Sore throat due to beta virus
  • Eardrum problems
  • Lymph nodes swelling
  • Head and neck tumors

Sinusitis is a serious problem that is quite common in both adults and children. The main causes of sinusitis in children are anatomical abnormalities in the sinuses, frequent infections in the upper respiratory tract and structural disorders of the sinuses. The main symptoms of this problem are;

  • Headache
  • Facial pain
  • Inflammation of the eyes and teeth
  • Persistent cough
  • Bad breath
  • High fever
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Each of these symptoms reduces the quality of daily life. They also affect a child's physical and cognitive development. Therefore, it is recommended to consult an experienced ENT specialist in this field without observing the symptoms.

Otitis Media in Children

One of the most common ENT diseases in children is otitis media, that is, middle ear inflammation. Although this disease is often encountered in children with weakened immune systems, it is also often found in children with frequent upper respiratory tract infections. It is recommended that children who have pain in the ears, headaches and high fever symptoms should consult with an Istanbul pediatric ENT specialist.

What to Do If Middle Ear Inflammation Is Not Treated in Children?

If left untreated, it weakens the immune system as a result of exposure to high temperature. It also paves the way for serious diseases such as meningitis and facial paralysis. In addition, frequent recurrence of otitis media can cause problems in the functioning of the ear organ and cause fluid to accumulate behind the eardrum.

ENT diseases are problems that reduce the quality of life, weaken the immune system and pave the way for more serious problems. For this reason, it is essential to protect children in the developmental age from these diseases at the maximum level.

A healthy and balanced diet is important. A good sleep plan should be made. Factors that can cause an allergic reaction should be removed from the building. Unnecessary use of antibiotics should be avoided. Crowded and stuffy environments should be avoided. Factors that can cause infection should be avoided.


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